Terms of service.

The Southern Weekender (referred to below as the “Blog”) is provided for entertainment and general informational purposes only. All opinions expressed are honest based on my experiences as a millennial luxury traveler and cannabis advocate. I do my best to provide accurate information, but I am not a travel professional or expert in any field. Please do not consider my opinions to be substituted for professional advice. The Blog is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind. Use of the Blog is at your own risk, and you hold full responsibility for any loss or injury. While I endeavor to update the Blog regularly, the information on the Blog is not guaranteed to be complete, correct, or up-to-date, and the content on the Blog may change without notice. I may revise and update this Disclaimer from time to time. All changes are effective immediately when I post them and apply to all access and use of the Blog after that. Your continued use of the Blog following the posting of the revised Disclaimer means that you accept and agree to the changes. You are expected to check this page regularly to be aware of any changes, as they are binding to you. Your use of this Blog constitutes your consent to these terms. Updated: 1 May 2023

By using this website, you agree to the following Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. Please read them carefully before using this website.

Some of the product links on this blog are “affiliate links.” I will receive an affiliate commission if you click the link and purchase the item. These affiliate links do not dictate my choice of locations, services, or products on this blog, and my goal with this blog is to help you in the best possible way, but running a blog can be time-consuming, and getting commissions helps optimize the workflow. It is impossible to keep an updated list of products I eventually link to as an affiliate, so you should assume that any links leading to a product are an affiliate link from where I receive a commission.

I am sometimes paid to attend an event, given free products, or delivered to feature an effect on the Blog. Regardless, I will only accept money to participate in an event or promote a product if I truly believe in it. I only recommend products or services I've used personally and think will add value to my audience. I will always let you know if the post is sponsored.

All images are the property of The Southern Weekender unless otherwise noted. All opinions are my own.

General Provisions

The Southern Weekender, a United States company owns and operates this website. You must be at least twenty-one years of age to use our website. You can use this website at your own risk if you like. We host our site on a reputable platform and make reasonable efforts to maintain and host the site. However, we're not explicitly stating or warranties about the safety of your individual use of the website. The Terms and Conditions on this page are subject to change anytime.

Intellectual Property Notice

All images, text, designs, graphics, trademarks, and service marks are owned by and property of The Southern Weekender or the properly attributed party. It violates federal law to use any of our intellectual property in whole or part. Modification of any materials contained on this site is illegal. It may be prosecuted to the fullest extent permissible should we choose to do so, including asking for financial penalties (damages) and an injunction forcing you to stop using our intellectual property immediately.

You may NOT use our intellectual property in any way, which includes republishing any text, image, design, or other property on another website or posting a quote or image from our site to any third party website, including social media. We have spent lots of time and money building this site’s intellectual property; to maintain its integrity, we cannot allow any third-party use.

Your Communications

Any communications made through our ‘contact,’ blog, blog comments, newsletter sign-up, or other related pages, or directly to our phones or mailing or email addresses, are not held privileged or confidential and are subject to viewing and distribution by third parties. We own any communications displayed on our website, servers, comments, emails, or other media as allowed by United States law. We will not give credit or pay royalties for unsolicited user-generated content such as blog comments or emails. For more information on when and how we store and use your communications or any data you provide in those communications, please refer to our Privacy Policy on this page.

We're right to republish any submission in whole or in part as it is necessary in the course of our business. You agree not to submit any content or communications that could be illegal or serve an unlawful purpose, including but not limited to communications that are potentially libelous or maliciously false, obscene, abusive, negligent, or otherwise harmful or inappropriate.


Our website and related materials are provided for educational and informational use only. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless our website and company for any direct or indirect loss or conduct incurred as a result of your use of our website and any related communications, including as a result of any consequences incurred from technological failures such as a payment processor error(s) or system failure(s).

While we may reference specific results, outcomes, or situations on this website, you understand and acknowledge that we do not guarantee the accuracy of third-party statements contained herein or the likelihood of success for you as a result of these statements or any other statements anywhere on this website. If you have medical, legal, or financial questions, consult a medical professional, lawyer, CPA, and CFP. We'd like to let you know that we explicitly disclaim any responsibility for any actions or omissions you choose to make from using this website, related materials, products, courses, or the materials included here.

This website is updated regularly, and while we try to make accurate statements in a timely and effective manner, we cannot promise that all materials and related media included here are accurate, complete, or up to date. Therefore, you expressly acknowledge and understand that any information or knowledge you gain from using this website is used at your own risk. If you should see any errors or omissions and would like to let us know, please email us at ASouthernWeekender@gmail.com.


This site may use affiliate links to sell certain products or services. We don’t take any liability because of your purchase through one of these links. We will make sure to let you know when and where we have placed affiliate links in addition to this disclaimer in these Terms & Conditions. You accept express liability for any consequences or benefits of clicking the affiliate links on this website or related communications.


Suppose at any time we feel you have violated these Terms and Conditions. In that case, we shall terminate your use of our website and any related communications as appropriate. It is within our sole discretion to allow any user access to our website, and we may revoke this access at any time without notice and, if necessary, block your IP address from further visits to our site(s).

Entire Agreement

Before registering with our website or making any purchases, you must consent to our Privacy Policy. If you have consented, or once you do consent, to the terms of the Privacy Policy and these Terms and Conditions, the information contained herein constitutes the entire agreement between site users and our company relating to using this website.


If any part of these Terms and Conditions or our Privacy Policy is deemed unlawful and unenforceable, all other provisions will remain in full force and effect.


As a result, consent to our Terms and Conditions of Use by using our website.

If you require more information or have questions about our Terms and Conditions of website use or our Privacy Policy, please contact us by email at ASouthernWeekender@gmail.com.