Tips for Surviving A Long-Haul International Flight

Long Haul flights could be more fun. That is a fact. I don't travel as internationally as I'd like because I wouldn’t say I like long-haul flights. Some people are unaffected by them and don't mind them, but no one says, "I love being trapped in my seat in a flying sardine can with 300 strangers for 14 hours." I love the destination and think the trips are worth it, but I can't seem to gird my loins to sit in a tiny seat while a child kicks my chair until my butt is numb. It's not possible! It is unnatural to be forced to sit in one seat, staring at a tiny screen while your ears pop as your neighbor's head drifts dangerously close to your shoulder. I can't wait for the invention of teleportation to get me where I need to be. I can barely handle road trips even when I have the option to stop and get out as I please. No matter how you spin, long hauls suck. They do. Be suspicious of anyone who tells you it doesn't. The only people I know who like them are moms traveling alone and pilots. But if you ever want to see the world, you've got to suck it up and board the plane. So to save your sanity, here are my best tips for surviving a long-haul international flight.

Schedule to minimize jet lag

I’ve traveled on so many overnight long hauls that it’s almost impossible for me to stay awake on the plane. I prep in advance by staying awake all day and possibly the night before, according to my travel time zone. If pm here is am there, I skip it altogether. Use airtime to prepare yourself for the inevitable jet lag. Unless you’re moving abroad, you don’t want to waste daylight groggy or sleep when there is much to see. If you have trouble falling asleep, try an eye mask, neck pillow, or those free mini-wine bottles that do the trick.

Grab the window seat.

Many people will say to snatch the aisle seat, but I beg to differ. If you can pick your seats before boarding, go for the window. I love window seats because I get a great view and something to lean against when I nap. You also control the shade, which I find people close and open at the most inopportune times. If you are incredibly tall, fidgety, or plan on using the bathroom a lot, I’d suggest the aisle so you don’t crawl over everyone fifty times. Otherwise, settle into that sweet window seat and enjoy the landscape.

Wear comfortable clothes.

The 12+ hours you will be on the plane is not the time to flex your style-savvy. If you want to look your best, pack a change of clothes and makeup into your under-seat carry-on. For the actual flight, wear the most comfortable clothes you own. The seat situation is already confining. Don’t become a prisoner in your clothes.

Charge all your electronics.

Your phone, laptop, iPad, iPod...keep them all charged. The airport USB ports are prime real estate, so you may only find a free one after you board, especially during layovers. I will always bring a backup charger like the TYLT Portable Battery or Anker Portable Charger PowerCore.

Bring an activity.

Still, I haven’t finished that book you've been reading since last spring. Now’s your chance. Bring two or three. With nothing but time on your hands, you may zoom through the pages, and then what are you left with? The in-flight magazine. No thanks. Probably not going to buy this random hot tub from a catalog. Nice try, Delta.

Grab a coloring book.

Coloring is supposed to be calming. So grab those colored pencils and channel your frustrations into childlike zen. Even if you don’t use it yourself, this may buy you peace from the kid who inevitably sits next to you. That and candy. They are laced with Benadryl. I am just kidding! That is illegal, and air marshals are watching you.

Download a few Netflix or Amazon shows and movies

Chances are you’ve got a queue as long as the Great Wall of China. Now is the time to get caught up. You’ve got nowhere to go and nothing to do. So please don’t feel guilty about catching up on your favorite trashy tv shows.  

Sort the photos on your phone, camera, laptop, etc.

I can never find what I’m looking for because I download and keep moving. That means my drive is an absolute disaster. I never clean it because it seems time-consuming, and my shows are always on. The last time I purged and swept, it took two days. You’ve got time. Make good use of it.

Download a Podcast or Audible.

Sit back, close your eyes and let your mind palace paint the details for you. If you need a pick-me-up, a good story is what you need to hear. You get the added benefit of resting your eyes while still being smarty-pants. Choose a best seller or a self-help title. 14 hrs. later, you might know the Secret or be a meditation guru. At worst, this might bore you to tears until you fall asleep.

Good ‘ol Sleep.

Did you already say something along these lines? Because I recommend this one. With these long-haul survival tips, your long international flight will fly by! So what are your best tips for long-haul air travel?  


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